9 ball pool rules




In the game of nine-ball pool, the most important things to follow are the rules. However, as compared to the other billiard games, this game is certainly the easiest one. While playing the 9-ball pool game, you need to know that it is a pool game Best Pool Cue Sticks On The Market  that is played one by one. If you are deciding to play the game with more than two people, you can divide your friends into two teams. If you are playing with your friends, you can make a team of three or four. This would not be beneficial if some of your friends are excellent players of the game while others are not.

 Full Article Here : https://poolcueguide.com/9-ball-pool-playing/

  1. Deciding On Who Will Get The First Round

You can decide on who should go first by flipping a coin, but if you lag, it will become a much more entertaining and fun activity while deciding on the first player. When in an empty table, every player would place the ball just behind the head string. Each one of the player playing the game will get a chance to hit his cue ball at the same time.

The focus should be on making your  cue ball touch the farthest end of the table and then return to the other side as far as possible without getting towards the near ends or the sides. Whoever among the team members gets the closest certainly gets to break. You get a chance to try again if any of the two balls get to touch each other or if no one manages to get the hit of the balls without touching to the other side.

  1. Organize The 9 Balls Inside The Ball Rack

Select the balls named from 1 to 9 and then organize them inside the  ball-rack. The rack is basically of a diamond shape, place the 9 balls randomly in it get them in shape of a diamond when the rack is removed making one ball seem closest to the shooter.

  1. Hit The Balls!

Make the first player break down the diamond-shaped balls that were placed and let the player set down the white ball behind the head string. This break needs to pocket any one ball and then send at least minimum of three balls at any side. If nothing happens as such, set up the rack again and the second player tries and makes a move to break.

  1. Take Your Time To Pocket Your First Ball

The basic game rule is if you pocket a  cue ball, you get a chance to hit again. You need to continue taking your shots to get a pocket, or you get fouled ball in hand. When you get a foul cue ball in hand, your turn is given to the player next to you until the next round.

  • This also includes when you get a break. If you get a chance to pocket a ball, you get one more shot to try.
  • In all those 9 balls, you can only play on the white cue ball that does not come with any lowest numbered ball on it.
  1. Focus On Your Goals



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