How to pick the right pool cue?

Pool cues are the most significant part of a billiard game. The size, weight and material of your cue ball determine the quality of your shots. Following are the things you must consider in order to pick the right cue for your pool table.

 Pool Cue Weight

In order to determine the weight best suited for your cue, you need to judge your own abilities. Knowing your weight and height is important to pick a right cue for yourselves.
Most cues range from 17 to 21 ounces but there are some exceptions. All the cue manufacturers make their cues according to these standard weights.
How exactly does the weight of your cues effect your shots? Heavy cue sticks trouble the player while drawing the stick on the other hand light cue sticks are difficult to control. You can buy a lighter cue stick then add weight later on. Most players prefer sticks that weigh 19 to 20 ounces.


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